A Heavenly Invitation From Before The Foundation Of The World to walk in those works He had prepared in advance [Eph. 2:10]
The Voice of the LORD is sounding; the Voice of the LORD is calling: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?”
We hope you have ears to hear the divine call and a heart to obey it as you may already have been chosen by Him, mature disciples who know the importance and power of prayer and of - Israel.
hiefly, it is based on the same principle how G-d destroyed the unity and power at Babel, when the people had one language and were all in agreement. What you two call a “ritual” is not really a ritual but is meant to “dismember” the various fractions of Freemasonry, of which the “offspring,” the descendants are all over the world.
A Clarion Call From The Eilat Prayer Tower This is a clarion call from the Lord's Prayer Tower in Eilat, Israel, to undo satan’s evil works of the corona virus,…