Only mature disciples who know the importance and power of prayer, themselves intercessors and prayer warriors, qualify. They must walk in holiness, integrity and humility. They mustn’t doubt nor fear.
May those prayer warriors, already chosen by Him, come. Armed with the Word and the shofar, we will carry out awesome tasks in Israel.
“Restore our fortunes, Lord,
like streams in the Negev.
5 Those who sow with tears
will reap with songs of joy.”- Psalm 126
“For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show His might in behalf of those whose heart is blameless toward Him,” i.e. of unwavering, solid faith (2 Chr 16:9).
The Lord has assigned us two tasks, which require His might on our behalf. No carnal Christian will do. We seek team members who have:
A) …faith for the impossible, like Abraham believing in hope against all hope
B) … unwavering, fearless trust in G-d that cannot be shaken by the appearance of things.
C) … a humble heart and meek spirit, the mind of Messiah (Philippians 2), knowing how to submit to one another.
D) … only one agenda: to do the will of Abba in the earth as it is in heaven, being of one united heart, mind and purpose.
This is not an assignment for thrill seekers. It requires genuine discipleship and spiritual maturity; to have the Lord’s interests at heart, committed to one another and to obey and carry out His instructions. We must be a unit in battle.
Once we have the team together, preparations and assignments will start in our Eilat Prayer Tower on the 9th floor and penthouse roof. Lodging and morning coffee/tea is free. All else is the responsibility of the team members (each guestroom has a refrigerator) who pledge faithfulness to the task and to each other, understanding that this is a commitment unto the Lord.