Reminder To God Of His Good Promises To Israel And Jerusalem
“Beloved Father in heaven, Your words and promises are true and pure, as silver purified seven times in a furnace on the ground (Ps 12:6). Therefore in faith and trust we come before You to remind You of Your Good Promises.
Isaiah 62:5-7 RSV
“Lord, You said that as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall You, our God, rejoice over us, Your people and nation Israel, especially over Jerusalem. Accordingly, set Your intercessors as watchmen to watch over Jerusalem not ever to be silent but remind You 24/7 of all of Your good promises to Jerusalem, to Israel and to Judah. Hence, we Your intercessors shall not rest nor give You rest until You establish Jerusalem and make her a praise in the earth.”
Zech. 8:1, 11-15 RSV
“Holy One of Israel, Arise and behold what is being done to Zion by a people who strive against You and Your covenants, against Your people and city Jerusalem, acting revengefully and taking vengeance with malice of heart to destroy Your nation in never-ending enmity, as Your servant Ezekiel prophesied in 25:15-17. Arise, be jealous for Zion with great jealousy, and be jealous for her with great wrath. 11 Do not deal with the remnant of Your people as in the former days, and do not let the curses of the Law come upon them for their sinning. Instead, let there be a sowing of peace, with the vine yielding its fruit, the ground giving its increase, and the heavens their dew. Please, cause the remnant of your people to possess all these things. 13 And as Judah and Israel have been a byword of cursing among the nations, so save them now and make them a blessing in all of the earth. Therefore Israel shall not fear, but strengthen their hands so they will be strong. You said, Lord of hosts: ‘As You purposed to do evil to Israel, when their fathers provoked You to wrath, and You did not relent, 15 so again have You purposed in these our days to do good to Jerusalem and to the house of Judah and Israel; they shall not fear.'”
Isaiah 41:10 RSV
“Father in heaven, these are Your words You spoke to Jacob Your servant: not to fear nor be dismayed because You are with him. Accordingly strengthen and help him, and uphold him with Your victorious right hand. 11 Let all who are incensed against Your nation Israel be put to shame and confounded; let those who strive against her be as nothing and perish. 12 Should Israel seek those who contend with her, she shall not find them for those who war against her shall be as nothing at all. 13 For it is You, our God, Who holds Jacob’s right hand and encourages him not to fear because You will help him.”
Isaiah 54:8-10 RSV
“Holy Redeemer of Israel, we shall continue to bring to Your remembrance what You spoke thousands of years ago pertaining to our days on behalf of Jerusalem, Judah and Your nation Israel. 8 Although in overflowing wrath You hid for a while Your face from your people, yet now have compassion on them with everlasting love. You even swore an oath, saying, 9 ‘This is like the days of Noah to You: as You swore that the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth, so You have sworn that You will not be angry with Your people nor rebuke them. 10 For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but Your steadfast love shall not depart from them, and Your covenant of peace shall not be removed, because now you have compassion on them.” 17 What’s more, let no weapon fashioned against Israel prosper but have her confute every tongue that rises against her in lying judgment, for this is her heritage and her vindication from You, her Lord.”
Jeremiah 32:37-44 RSV
“Abba in heaven, in addition we Your intercessors bring also these Your words to Your remembrance: You said that You 40 will make with Your people an everlasting covenant, and will not turn away from doing good to them; 41 rather, You will rejoice in doing them good, and plant them in this land in faithfulness, with all Your heart and all Your soul. 42 Just as You brought all this great evil upon Your people, so now bring upon them all the good that You promised them.”
Ezekiel 36:22-32 RSV
22 “Furthermore, remember that You said it is not for their sake that You are about to act, but for the sake of Your holy Name that was profaned among the nations to whom Israel came. 23 Consequently, we ask You to be jealous for Your great Name and vindicate the holiness of it in the sight of all the nations round about and far off for them to come to realize that You are the Lord, when through Israel You vindicate Your holiness before their eyes. 25 Sprinkle Your people with clean water and cleanse them from all their uncleannesses and from all their idols. 26 Give them a new heart and put a new spirit within them; likewise circumcise their heart of the stony hardness against You and Yeshua and free it to be a tender heart of flesh, ready soil to receive the Seed of salvation, Yeshua. 27 Have Your Holy Spirit cause them to walk in Your ways, careful to observe them. 28 Make Israel dwell in peace and safety in the land which You gave to their fathers, and 29 deliver and heal us 30 from all of our sinful backsliding, and cleanse us. 31 When Your people will remember their evil ways and deeds that were not good they, their iniquities and abominations, they will loath themselves for it. May they repent with a broken heart. 32 Yes, Abba in heaven, please arise and act on behalf of Your nation and of Jerusalem, not for their sake we ask but for Your holy Name’s sake, and they shall know this. Ashamed and confounded for their ways may they return to You with all their heart and soul.”
Hosea 2:19-23 RSV
19 “Then betroth them to You for ever in righteousness and in justice, in steadfast love, and in mercy. 20 Betroth them to You in faithfulness; and they/we shall return to You and come to be saved in Yeshua.”
Amos 9:11-1 RSV
“Finally, Melech Haolam, God of all the earth, Holy One of Israel: Repair the genealogical breaches of the succah of David that was fallen and close up its gaps caused by two thousand years of exile and persecutions. (Isaiah 16:5) Raise up its ruins, and make of the succah the ohel/Tent of David, consisting of descendants sanctified by faith in Yeshua. Then establish in steadfast love a throne in the tent of David for Yeshua, the Son of David, who shall sit on it in faithfulness and judge and seek justice and is swift to do righteousness. Rebuild David’s throne as in the days of old and have David’s descendants (Zech. 12:7-12) and Your people possess the remnant of Edom and ALL the nations who are called by Your name. Let the days have come when the plowman overtakes the reaper, and the treader of grapes him who sows the seed; the mountains shall drip with sweet wine, and all the hills shall flow with it.”
“God of Israel and of Judah united into one nation/stick, restore now the fortunes of Your people Israel, and bless them as they rebuild the ruined cities and build new ones and inhabit them; likewise bless their planting more vineyards and let them enjoy drinking their wine; let them eat their fruit with delight from the many gardens and fields they plant.”
“Plant them upon THEIR / YOUR land, and remember Your promise that they shall NEVER AGAIN be plucked up out of the land which You have given them. Now please fulfill all of Your good promises, for the former things are past away and new things You now declare. The days of Jacob’s troubles, the days of His final punishment are past and gone and we shall not bring up again dead bones – for Your people LIVE! You have raised them a new and vibrant nation from the graves and ovens and gas chambers. Instead of mourning and tears let there be joy and gladness; instead of war and fear let there be safety and a sowing of peace. Make it known to the nations round about and far off that You are still the God of Jacob, the Holy One of Israel, Who has not forsaken His people (Jeremiah 33:20-26; 31: 35-37) but is their Guardian /Shomer and Keeper, now and forevermore.”
“Amen and Amen, by the power of Yeshua’s cross, the power of His blood, and in the authority of His Name, we pray.”