17-08-2023 Prayer For Eilat at the Red Sea

“Oh LORD our God, the Holy One of Israel, Your appointed time has come now: raise up the city of Eilat as the Southern GATE of Israel it already is, and as a spearhead and light tower for the Gospel piercing through all and any opposition to shine now deep into the Negev and along the Red Sea into the nations bordering that Sea; even to the Indian Ocean and the nations bordering that ocean.”

“The appointed time has come now for devoted, true intercessors and prayer warriors to make their way to Eilat, to Your Eilat Prayer Tower (EPT), following Your calling, Abba, to transform Eilat from a pleasure seeking resort town in pursuit of short-lived happiness and joy with parties deep into the night with alcohol, drugs, free sex, and unlawful schemes of money-making, into a town holding joyful, loud worship ‘parties’ unto You, the Lord GOD, worshipping You with every kind of instrument and singing as in the days of King David, 1 Chronicles chapter 25.”

“Let Mayor Eli Lankri’s long-term plans of transforming Eilat into a ‘smart city’ be a blessing for all Elatis. Abba in heaven, may Eli Lankri be Your choice of mayor for Eilat, with Your eyes upon him. May he be a man of integrity and honesty, whom You grant wisdom and foresightedness to prepare Eilat wisely and skillfully for the 50,000 new residents to come. With authority and confidence have him raise up Eilat into the beautiful and desirable resort town You have in mind – not only for tourists – and turn it also into an attractive center for academics, arts, and music, and a rich spiritual culture. Let there be freedom for performances of praise and worship in Spirit and in truth, with skilled musicians and singers, as well with great choirs like in the days of King David, contributing to free Eilat from crime, gambling, prostitution, drugs and turn it instead into a beacon of light for the entire region.”

“Furthermore, let Lankri’s plans to turn Eilat into a ‘smart city’ also include building regulations for new constructions not to obstruct the view of the bay of Eilat and Aqaba of already existing apartment buildings and houses. The construction of four huge, 9-floor apartment buildings in front of ‘Migdal Chai’, Eilot street 68, home to the Eilat Prayer Tower, is an example for requiring such regulation. We pray, therefore, let Your purpose for the EPT not only remain unhindered but become even more effective as You gather seasoned intercessors from within Israel and from across the world.”

“Finally, Lord, may Eilat become known for its citizens converted from rude, selfish, inconsiderate, and greedy lovers of money into being kind, friendly, and helpful. Let Eilat be transformed into the jewel of inner and outer beauty you have destined this city to become. Let goodness, kindness, consideration and delight in You, the Holy One of Israel, and worshiping You with great joy and thanksgiving, become the rule of living in the southern sister of Beer-Sheva, the metropolis of the Negev. Transform Eilat into a center of Davidic praise and worship; into a true “Tabernacle of David.”

“We ask and pray this in the Name of Yeshua Your Son our Lord. Amen and Amen.”