02-12-2024_Seeing God
I was worshiping God, listening to the song “Open the eyes of my heart, Lord, I want to see You…” by Michael W. Smith, being deeply in the Spirit, when a vision of God’s Face flooded me. It looked like a film was running through His Face, transparent, of His creation – all of it. I was given to understand by the Holy Spirit that all that God made He created from, out of Himself.
Everything He was, is and will be He took and formed it, gave it a body, made it become alive, visible, audible, with His Word and the creative power of His Spirit.
Everything that exists, that He created, He took from within Himself.
As the images were passing through His Face, flooding my spirit with what God is like, how “to see Him,” where we can see Him every day of our life, I came to see that He is glorious like a sunrise and sundown, beautiful like a meadow embroidered with flowers, lovely like a rose, yet majestic like a mountain peak. His glory is brilliant like sunrays hitting on a cut diamond.
I came to realize that His creation is present with Him at all times, just as Yeshua said: not even a sparrow can fall to the ground withoutthe Father knowing it. And with a jolt I came to understand God’s anger and wrath at the exploiters and destroyers of the earth. I recognized the need for “stewards of the earth,” contemplating how many there are. One famous steward of the seas was Jacques Cousteau, but there are others like Laura Swan, the U.S. Navy, WMU, and more Guardians of the Sea.. There are guardians of the Coral Reefs like NFWF (National Fish and Wildlife Foundation), One Reef, and others.
God has stewards for the world’s forests, like Forest Stewardship Council, BMF and more, as well as of the earth’ poles addressed at the Polar Summit. There are guardians of wildlife, Defenders of wildlife, and more. There are stewards of the world’s habitats, Habitat Conservation.
The vast number of stewards and guardians of all of the earth’s life tells us that God calls and appoints such stewards and guardians to protect and maintain His creation. Unfortunately, the number of exploiters and destroyers is even greater. We must come against them with our prayers while upholding the earth’s stewards and their vital, important work for all of humanity.
What follows is a continuation of “Seeing God,” the King of the universe, when I was praying in the Spirit, then received the interpretation of what I had been praying, which was a worhip of very great praise and honor, followed by a nother revelation of the King of the universe.
He is like a violet, lovely, humble, of a lovely aroma; God loves a pleasing aroma, that’s why He composed that special incense for Himself personally.
He is majestic and awesome like the greatest mountains.
H e is glorious like the sun, the moon and the stars combined, glorious like the universe.
Righteousness and justice is the foundation of His throne.
His throne shines in the brilliant blue of a phosphorous blue, like a sapphire
He is surrounded by His glory in brilliant rainbow colors, shining like a cut diamond does in the sunlight.
H e is bright, brighter than the sun, His brightness filling His throne, shining forth.
He is love. Every heartbeat of His is love.
He is gentle like a summer breeze, when palm branches dance in the breeze.
He is like a field of ripe wheat with the wind flowing through it, the heads of grain weaving and dancing before the Lord God Creator, worshiping Him.
H is anger and fury is like an earthquake, like a volcanic eruption, like a tornado or tsunami, like fierce lightning, and terrible thunder.
He is beautiful like a meadow of flowers, like coral reefs, like water falls, sunrise, sundown; His beauty and loveliness is revealed in the little birds He adorned with many colors, or the butterflies.
This and the previous revelation is meant to get you to see the Almighty King of the universe, the incomparable God of Israel, the Eternal – the one and only true G-D Who manifests in a triune nature. He relates to One People – Am Echad – the whole House of Israel – consisting of 3 groups: Israel (the tribes), Levyim / Levites, and Cohanim / High Priests; and relates to One House – the Temple – which consists of 3 portions: Court, Holy Place and Holy of Holies. The image is on page 08.
There is no other God like Him: Father – Son – and Holy Spirit. The Son I shared about in the article – The Life of the Son of Man.; and at ‘A Tale of Bunny Trails,’ beginning with page 14. The Holy Spirit granted me to see Him in the form of a man, wholly covered in flames, with a breeze flowing through the flames.
The website urls of the images I posted.
colorful little bird – https://petartwork.co/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/tropical-1a.jpg .
coral reef – https://stock.adobe.com/search?k=coral+reef&asset_id=626165821 ‘
tornado and lightning – https://www.reddit.com/r/tornado/comments/16jjuyc/the_origins_of_famous_tornado_photographs/?rdt=53865
butterflies – https://www.etsy.com/listing/1159693116/beautiful-butterflies-wood-cut-decalled
wheat field in breeze – https://www.alamy.com/fields-of-golden-wheat-a-field-of-wheat-blowing-in-the-breeze-on-a-bright-sunny-day-image483492220.html
Holy Spirit – https://www.ukposters.co.uk/embrace-divine-fire-winged-dove-in-flames-symbolizes-the-holy-spirit-f731482837
mountains – https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/mountain-path-snow-top-on-nature-1850130346
saspphire – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Geschliffener_blauer_Saphir.jpg
volcanic eruption – https://www.istockphoto.com/photo/volcanic-mountain-in-eruption-gm670551650-122646483?searchscope=image%2Cfilm
palm trees – https://www.freepik.com/premium-ai-image/gentle-breeze-rustling-through-palm-trees_173504316.htm
universe – https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/hubble-space-telescope-best-images/
diamond – https://www.pinterest.com/pin/6544361933225876/
hearts – https://picjumbo.com/colorful-love-hearts-wallpaper/